- Why Google TV will fail, in one sentence
( )But if there's not (and I suspect there isn't), then citing this as "the" reason for GoogleTV to fail is nothing more than an egocentric exercise in melodrama. (In which case, it's no wonder this post appealed to Gruber.)
- Analyst: iPad Marks ‘Unprecendented Shift’ in Computer Industry | Cult of Mac
You can access everything iTunes has to offer from the iPad/iPod without a computer (you can even re-download anything you have previously purchased for free).
Incroyable, on peut retélécharger ce qui nous appartient. Mais c'est vrai qu'il est important de le préciser, ça n'a pas toujours été le cas avec iThunes.
( )- Scratch Where It's Itching : Weblog
( )I will choose only one example of typical mistakes that this warning can show. After that, you will, like me, consider turning this Warning into an Error
Liens du 23/10/2010
samedi 23 octobre 2010. Lien permanent Weblogging
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