Maintenant je n'ai plus qu'à essayer de me souvenir de comment j'ai fait pour arriver à ça.
dimanche 7 septembre 2008. Lien permanent Regional news
Maintenant je n'ai plus qu'à essayer de me souvenir de comment j'ai fait pour arriver à ça.
Fil des commentaires de ce billet
URL de rétrolien : https://www.cynicalturtle.net/kame/trackback/446
12 réactions
1 De Florent - 08/09/2008, 12:03
En fait, tu n'as que le boitier : à l'intérieur, c'est un jetable :-)
2 De Damien B - 08/09/2008, 14:18
C'était donc ça ! :-D
3 De wolvert.geoffray@neuf.fr - 15/09/2008, 17:34
ISO 1600 ?
4 De Damien B - 15/09/2008, 18:13
ISO 200 / F1.8 / 1/30ème
5 De Damien B - 15/09/2008, 18:13
+ flash (au 1/30ème ??)
6 De Zap - 18/09/2008, 19:16
Tu aurais pu poster tes réglages dans la rubrique "m'enfin"
7 De Ira - 19/09/2008, 01:52
who is that in the photo ?
8 De Zap - 19/09/2008, 10:41
Il a un T-shirt orange ; c'est donc un jeune centriste.
9 De Damien B - 19/09/2008, 15:14
C'est le premier à avoir commenté :D
10 De Damien B - 20/09/2008, 17:20
Oups, fausse manipulation, supprimé par erreur un commentaire d'Ira.
Who's the first person to have commented on this post? You'll have the guy on the picture.
11 De Ira - 21/09/2008, 17:40
yeah, yeah, yeah, I understand now
FLORENT, you seem like a guy with supreme gifts of inner concentration !!
Are you HTV ? Human teleportation vehicle.
I have to figure out exactly what "boitier" and "jetable" mean, mabye they'll give me clues
Florent, I played the COLOR game once and I was correct!
The Johns HOpkins guys are WIZARDS ! I read a news article saying that they've bred and trained a real mouse who does math better than the average 9th Grade USA student. Here's a photo.
Have a good Sunday evening, all.
12 De ira - 26/09/2008, 01:04
ok, "looks can be deceiving"
FLORENT: I just read your post on zap's blog,
STRESS! OUCH! and I thought you were in a space of supreme meditative concentration --
As I would say to my 17 year old son, "It's never productive to bang your fist against a wall, no matter how angry you are."
AND I couldn't survive a week living at my in-laws!! My relationship with my wife's dad is like ben stiller's in the movie MEET MY PARENTS.
FURTHER, I don't know what the heck CHAULAGE in NOVEMBRE means, but it sounds TOXICK! good luck!
I'm happy to hear that you have a young son. Congratulations!! And it's especially heart-warming to know that you young cyber guys are biologically reproducing. Long live the human genome!!!
one last thing:
I want to mention that your friend DAMIEN is a very swell guy ^^
I sent him an email asking a bunch of questions about internet blogging and he answered every one, patiently and thoroughly
(I think I'll write to sarkozy.fr, praising M. Bonvillain comme "une ressource précieuse de la France")