I can't put a screenshot because the M$Word document is under a NDA, but I've a graph in it, and when I select the text inside a text box, this is repeated in two others text boxes, where it has replaced the original text... Yes, my selection is reproduced two other times on the screen, and I've three texts selected at the same time. And of course, some information has been lost, thanks M$. It's unbelievable how crappy it is.

Update 15:08 (minus the time difference with the freeroller.net server), I should have foreseen it:

État de vidage Thread Id 0x444
eax=309263cc ebx=00000024 ecx=00000024 edx=00000000 esi=00000000 edi=309263cc
eip=30926baa esp=0012d990 ebp=0012d9c4 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs=0000             efl=00000246

fonction : StdExceptionLink::StdExceptionLink
        30926b97 83664400         and   dword ptr [esi+0x44],0x0 ds:00a8d5d2=00000000
        30926b9b 8930             mov     [eax],esi              ds:309263cc=00000001
        30926b9d 894e40           mov     [esi+0x40],ecx         ds:00a8d5d2=00000000
        30926ba0 8bc6             mov     eax,esi
        30926ba2 5e               pop     esi
        30926ba3 c3               ret
        30926ba4 53               push    ebx
        30926ba5 56               push    esi
        30926ba6 33f6             xor     esi,esi
        30926ba8 33d2             xor     edx,edx
FAUTE ->30926baa 668b31           mov     si,[ecx]                   ds:00000024=????
        30926bad 57               push    edi
        30926bae 85f6             test    esi,esi
        30926bb0 742d             jz      MsoInitImm2+0x2ab (3092f6df)
        30926bb2 8b790c           mov     edi,[ecx+0xc]          ds:00a8d5f6=00000000
        30926bb5 8b5c2410         mov     ebx,[esp+0x10]         ss:00bbaf63=????????
        30926bb9 eb07             jmp     MsoInitImm2+0x48e (3092f8c2)
        30926bbb 8d5001           lea     edx,[eax+0x1]          ds:313b399e=????????
        30926bbe 3bd6             cmp     edx,esi
        30926bc0 741d             jz      MsoInitImm2+0x2ab (3092f6df)
        30926bc2 8bc6             mov     eax,esi
        30926bc4 2bc2             sub     eax,edx

*----> Parcours arrière de la pile <----*
FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
0012D9C4 309298AD 00000491 00000000 00000000 309263CC !StdExceptionLink::StdExceptionLink 
0012DAF4 3094A4C5 0000008A 0012DB0C 00000000 024D0F14 !MsoFEnumComponentQualifiers 
0012DB10 309D9711 0000008A 00000000 309D96F7 024D0F14 !MsoPrcSetRc 
0012DB7C 3041C148 0074D404 024D0F14 00000000 00000016 !MsoFAGIF 
0012DC44 300D2077 00000000 0012F768 0012FBBC 0074D404 !wdCommandDispatch 
0012DC68 300BC510 00000000 0012F768 0012DCF0 00134794 !<nosymbols>
0012DCD0 300BBF55 00000000 0012F768 0074D404 0012FC34 !<nosymbols>
0012F78C 300BBDEB 00000001 00000001 0012FA54 00000000 !<nosymbols>
0012FC48 3031E74E 00000001 0074D404 00000000 00000001 !<nosymbols>
0012FC78 300E2201 0012FCE0 00000000 3013C9F0 0012FCE0 !wdCommandDispatch 
0012FCC0 300FE730 0012FCE0 00000001 00000000 00000400 !<nosymbols>
0012FD3C 3027234A 00000348 0000025A 000000FF 00000002 !<nosymbols>
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 !wdCommandDispatch