... with this new toy. Until I found
Anthony Eden free weblog, I was poking around trying to choose what to
install (PHP preferred) to do my weblog. This is an endless trip when
you have no strong goal. Every implementation has its pros and cons, and
eventually, there is no clear cut winner. I've to say that in parallel,
I was thinking about a Java/SWT implementation of a BloggerAPI or
MetaWebLogAPI client. This is the kind of thing that leads nowhere, ideas
go round in circles and nothing can break that. Start to code, start to
code... and release asap: this is the only thing I've seen to release
something else than vapour.
By the way I took the decision to start again to contribute to the
CinemAsie source code. We're slowly going mutlilingual, with a customized
XTemplate. I've added a compilation phase which does the static part of
the translation job, and then the dynamic template takes place. This way
we can keep a manageable repository of translation, with no extra cost
at "runtime". Once this task has been done... the real work begins,
refactor all the site. Too lazy for that, I've to grab some force
Starting to play...
mercredi 27 novembre 2002. Lien permanent Tout venant