jeudi 26 juin 2003

Hier à Paris, la manif de ceux qui veulent travailler

Vu au journal (je n'étais pas sur place), la manifestation des gens qui veulent travailler, et qui ressassent l'éternel couplet "les grévistes nous empêchent de travailler, ceux sont des nantis, qu'ils nous laissent gagner nos vies, nous qui ne sommes pas des privilégiés". A part le fait  […]

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Juste fais-le

Sur Catallaxia : Nous avons besoin de syndicats dans notre pays mais nous avons besoin de syndicats responsables. Le droit de manifester et de faire grève existe mais il n'exclue pas certains devoirs. Mes amis, nous sommes la majorité. Allons-nous souffrir indéfiniment qu'une minorité irresponsable  […]

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mardi 24 juin 2003

Stop those clichés please

In Rude tourist stories, Andy writes: Europeans can't stand non-carbonated water for some reason ;-) May I suggest some trips in different European countries before saying such false things? :-)

Fiscal Pressure (3rd)

Below is a copy of a comment I made on Keith weblog. In page 35/90 (page #38) of , the column "Disposable income of average production worker" is interesting. It's not exactly the stat I was speaking about, but I think it demystifies  […]

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samedi 21 juin 2003


Nice sunny day... Some work to do, some Gnus to reconfigure. I guess I found my format for little pictures: 320x320, SilkScreen for the signature. Saying that after putting 2 pictures on-line is a bit... pretentious. Well, I can live with that.

mercredi 11 juin 2003

Les limites de l'expression publique

Dans l'affaire de Lyon Mag et des producteurs de beaujolais, le Lyon Mag va peut-être un petit loin dans la mauvaise foi. Leur interviewé fait une descente en règle du beaujolais, dans le style à part les dix crus du beaujolais, tous les autres ne font qu'un jus chimique à partir de raisin pour  […]

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mardi 10 juin 2003

Raining Day

Raining day, soothing the warmness of the past week-end. Great day starting.

lundi 5 mai 2003

La transparence et les banques....

Ca fait vraiment deux. Dédales de liens pour enfin arriver aux conditions tarifaires (quand elles existent), des noms imprononçables pour éviter de dire "compte courant avec assurance". Parlons en des assurances, quel que soit le compte, on vous en propose : pour créer l'insécurité, rien  […]

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dimanche 23 mars 2003

Nice panel of stupidity

Discovered a wonderful website today: It seems to be a honeypot for unverified allegations, blatant lies and racist "jokes". Another example is this picture[].This invasion army doesn't seem to manage to write the f word completely, so here it is: the second  […]

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mardi 18 mars 2003

After all, it was just a game

Georges W. Bush and his hawks (GWBAHH) gave yesterday their ultimatum. Colin Powell fought for disarmament at the UN, and it's not part of the ultimatum. GWBAHH never proved anything about weapon of mass destruction, it was just a rhetorical artifact. We know now they didn't need to. GWBAHH's  […]

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lundi 10 février 2003

Is anger the answer?

I doubt... I recently read some weblogs whose one of the favourite topic is French and more generally European bashing. Some Americans seem to get really upset that not everybody agrees with a war plan in Iraq. I've read that this war is not about oil for Bush's government, and French don't want the  […]

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jeudi 16 janvier 2003

Why are they leaving home?

Two days ago (I didn't manage to post before, was down when I tried), the departure of GI's for the gulf struck me. The weapons inspector say their work is far from finished, and they have not shown evidence yet. So why send people now? Is it urging? Has the security council more  […]

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samedi 11 janvier 2003

Regarding fiscal pressure...

Keith Devins says that France is a socialist country because we have some laws he doesn't grok and some high tax rate figures... Well, on this basis I would say that the USA are an oiligarchy, and it's not much better. Regarding the high tax rates, USA are taxed mainly on the capital, and France on  […]

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Fiscal pressure, second approach

Keith Devins posted a link to an OECD Observer article regarding top marginal rates. What is the top marginal rate? I'll try with a simplified example. Paul earns 1000 units a year, he's among the top earners in his country. Regarding taxes, this income can be divided like this: 200400...100  […]

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vendredi 10 janvier 2003

To Prague

I'm going to Prague this afternoon until sunday. Forecasted weather: snow and -2°C...  […]

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lundi 6 janvier 2003

Back from Prague

Cold week-end. Prague (Praha) is a very touristic place, with a really nice old city, and some less nice things like abandonned buildings and tagged buildings as soon as you leave the center. There are a lot of small and medium sized shops with overpriced typical items. What's impressive is there is  […]

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samedi 4 janvier 2003

It is snowing on Paris

A long time we've not seen that.

vendredi 22 novembre 2002

In the news today...

... truck drivers soon on strike, farmers on strike, and in Spain, plenty of people starting to clean their littoral after the "Prestige" shipwreck.

samedi 9 novembre 2002

Is one life enough ?

When one day is not enough, why should one life be sufficient ? Even after reading Procrastination: Why you do it. What to do about it. I'm not that much advanced. Looking fot its reference on brought back so many references to procrastination, it's amazing! Is procrastination the problem  […]

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mercredi 6 novembre 2002

fp ! Joking by the way...

Feedreader 2.3 is really crappy. The user is unable to say what this software is doing in the background, whether there is some network problem, or website problem, but most of the time this software is the problem. Every time I use it, I feel like I should write my own, and I think it's going to  […]

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