mercredi 18 décembre 2002
Eclipse in Swing?
mercredi 18 décembre 2002. Cyberpunk
Russ would like to see Eclipse coded in Swing... Please no. Eclipse is snappier on my machine than my 60kB small programs in Swing...
dimanche 15 décembre 2002
Back on the Wired bias
dimanche 15 décembre 2002. Cyberpunk
The "journalist" article on Chandler is online. Even if the OSA Foundation website refers many times to Outlook, it's a little convenient for the Wired "journalist" to forget the role Mitch Kapor had with Lotus Notes. Should we see Chandler as an opponent to Outlook or as a […]
samedi 14 décembre 2002
"Wired" fakes Microsoft's bashing
samedi 14 décembre 2002. Cyberpunk
Mitch Kapor has been deceived answering some Wired "journalist". […]
vendredi 13 décembre 2002
Carlos Perez's rant
vendredi 13 décembre 2002. Cyberpunk
on JDO. Reducing this log entry to a rant is not fair, because it's thought. Everytime I read something about O/R mapping, I can't help it, I remember one project where we had CMP beans generated with Visual Age's Persistance Builder... whose links were affectionately destroyed by hand, because the […]
Back on Word...
vendredi 13 décembre 2002. Cyberpunk
Andy Oliver replies that he likes Office 97 and that it's reliable under Wine. I'm not that against Word, I think I started word processing with Word 2.0c under Windows 3.1, it was quite fun :-) After some years, I'm just a bit tired of how non-productive I am with Word. Typically, it loses my […]
Why programmers don't like to write documentation?
vendredi 13 décembre 2002. Cyberpunk
Because they are given tools like this one: Une exception d'application s'est produite : App : WinWord.dbg (pid=293) Quand : 11/20/2002 @ 15:26:2.408 Numéro d'exception : c0000005 (violation d'accès) fonction : HidOfDlg 30808d23 8b542404 mov edx,[esp+0x4] ss:0102d5e3=???????? 30808d27 8b01 […]
No more Visual Basic after tomorrow
vendredi 13 décembre 2002. Cyberpunk
For one month my job is to maintain a client-server application in VB5. I has not been the most fun thing in my life, but at least it provides some occupation. Quick pros and cons of VB5 : Pros Easy interface designing Keyword With enhances readability for multiples operations on an object Very well […]
Sans titre
vendredi 13 décembre 2002. Cyberpunk
Why companies lock us with tools as unreliable as Microsoft Word?
jeudi 12 décembre 2002
From LGPL to ASL
jeudi 12 décembre 2002. Cyberpunk
Tapestry eventually changed its license from LGPL to ASL. License was probably the main restriction for Tapestry from joining the Jakarta project. Tapestry is a direct concurrent of Struts, and overlaps with other Jakarta projects. Tapestry is bundled with Jetty, a direct concurrent of Jakarta […]
mardi 3 décembre 2002
Information decay
mardi 3 décembre 2002. Cyberpunk
u {color: green} Returning on the hungarian notation for Java, one very important thing to consider is how to maintain coherent information. If you don't pay attention to maintain your "fbsStatus" and other "hcnChilds" up to date with their real type and use across the […]
lundi 2 décembre 2002
I for interfaces?
lundi 2 décembre 2002. Cyberpunk
Some days ago on Otaku, Cedric's weblog, "I is for Interface": The standard argument against such a practice is, again, that it breaks encapsulation: "I am dealing with a type, I don't care if it's an interface or a concrete type." It sounds good, we don't do such discrimination […]
jeudi 28 novembre 2002
Aqua Data Studio released
jeudi 28 novembre 2002. Cyberpunk
A week ago, AquaFold, Inc released Aqua Data Studio. Aqua Data Studio provides an integrated database environment with a single consistent inferface to all major relational databases. This allows the DBA or developer to tackle multiple tasks simultaneously from one application. Aqua Data Studio's […]
mercredi 27 novembre 2002
Another wasted day...
mercredi 27 novembre 2002. Cyberpunk
... but with some fun nonetheless. I went to a local store and bought the 3 last albums of Sakamoto Ryuichi, and it's really expensive. I still can't realize that I've spent so much money for those three plastic discs. Another part of the day was spent trying to find out some standard software […]
Spaces are back
mercredi 27 novembre 2002. Cyberpunk
Ugo Cei mentionned Spaces today, it can be found here. Obviously, he's not satisfied with the news aggregrator he tried, neither do I. Why has nobody coded a simple, effective and free news aggregator ?
.Net new release, I can't help, I'm angry
mercredi 27 novembre 2002. Cyberpunk
Why do advertisements rule the world? Why .net has got that momentum? Is it revolutionnary? No. Is it free? No. Just because it's marketed by the first software company, not known for its innovations, we have to endure all this advertising, FUD campaign, books, public proofs of love, and soon […]
Useless rant
mercredi 27 novembre 2002. Cyberpunk
Today a cousin caught a virus on her PC. What more needs to be said? The PC runs Windows 98, the mail client is Outlook Express, period. Thanks M$, you did a great job for all the virii developpers on this small planet. Thanks for providing so much funds for the antivirii companies. Even if they try […]
PostNuke, Xaraya, yet another fork
mercredi 27 novembre 2002. Cyberpunk
I don't know why, today I checked PostNuke's status. Some things amazed me: the number of developers on sourceforge went from more than 100 to 13 I did recognize only 2 names on the developpers list the most active developers have vanished public CVS browsing has been removed To be true, it's not a […]
Building the infosphere, portals should revive
mercredi 27 novembre 2002. Cyberpunk
A thing I always loved in Dan Simmons' Hyperion, is the accessibility of information in the infosphere. A space where the information you need is there and accessible. Currently, the web is far from being that, but it's changing, slowly. I would like to be able to track those changes, and I'd like […]
"JSR-14 blows and .NET rocks"
mercredi 27 novembre 2002. Cyberpunk
Today on Andy Oliver weblog, JSR-14 blows and .NET rocks, Windows Still blows and other happy thoughts : Engage a feverant Java zealot in a discussion about the short comings of EJBs and they'll tout the advantages of Appservers. Correct them: "I'm not talking about the concept of app servers […]
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