Caramail is a famous (at least here) free mail account hosting service. Today its mailer daemon sent me that: Command died with status 1: "/usr/sbin/mail.local". Command output: xmlrpc_client.c:185: assertion failed It's rather strange to involve an heavywight protocol for mail delivery. […]
jeudi 27 mars 2003
JMS continued, little touch of SWT....
jeudi 27 mars 2003. Cyberpunk
Thanks to Fokko, pointing me to this valuable resource, I was able to proceed in my understanding of both JMS and JNDI. My first goal is to write basically a simple sender and listener of differents queues, in order to eventually simulate the reactions of a target system (programs running on a […]
lundi 24 mars 2003
JBoss, JMS and WebSphere MQ
lundi 24 mars 2003. Cyberpunk
Trying for two days to run WebSphere MQ (formerly MQSeries) within JBoss and its JMS provider. The problem is that... it's the first time I use those 3 things :-) Regarding the development, JBoss works surprisingly well: fast startup time, "easy" configuration. It's not easy in the sense […]
dimanche 2 mars 2003
Winamp plugin: LongPlayer
dimanche 2 mars 2003. Cyberpunk
I discovered today LongPlayer, a standalone application, pluggable with Winamp and XMMS. This application monitors what you are listening to, allows you to rate the music, and to build custom playlists. Since it records what you are listening to and when, LongPlayer is able to feed Winamp or XMMS […]
vendredi 28 février 2003
Java SDK 1.4.1_02 out!
vendredi 28 février 2003. Cyberpunk
Since IBM didn't release a driver fixing the problem for my ThinkPad A30 (company provided, I'll never buy that if I can chose), I was forced to disable all DirectX related hardware acceleration (no overlay, almost all software rendering...), because every website can have an applet using Swing and […]
samedi 22 février 2003
samedi 22 février 2003. Cyberpunk
After a reboot, all went well. Weird. M$ owns me.
WSAD dropped me as well
samedi 22 février 2003. Cyberpunk
I've just tried with WSAD... failure as well... bad bad bad...
vendredi 24 janvier 2003
YAdNNA: FeedExpress
vendredi 24 janvier 2003. Cyberpunk
Yet Another dotNet News Aggregator : FeedExpress... not cross-platform, and closed source for the moment. Does anyone knows if there is already a good CLI => C# decompiler ?
dimanche 19 janvier 2003
Found on slashdot...
dimanche 19 janvier 2003. Cyberpunk
By smilingirl: Lord of the Desktops Recently one of my friends, a computer wizard, paid me a visit. As we were talking I mentioned that I had recently installed Windows XP on my PC. I told him how happy I was with this operating system and showed him the Windows XP CD. To my surprise he threw it […]
vendredi 17 janvier 2003
Two good news aggregator with .Net ...
vendredi 17 janvier 2003. Cyberpunk
... and I don't know any good one in Java. I should read less and start to do something with my free time. For the record: Syndirella by Dmitry Jemerov. Not cross-platform. Aggie by Joe Gregorio. Not cross-platform. […]
jeudi 16 janvier 2003
A "look and feel" is not a replacement for a native UI
jeudi 16 janvier 2003. Cyberpunk
In Netbeans does SWT!, Danno Ferrin says: Ray mentioned that he didn't like the "swingy" look of NetBeans, and this does a good job of getting rid of it. Please, look two seconds the screenshot... look the screenshot on that page. It's striking yes. JGoodies tried to mimic SWT in its […]
GBA reborn...
jeudi 16 janvier 2003. Cyberpunk
Just a quick note, my girlfriend gratefully took the soldering iron and installed an Afterburner in my GBA. Now I'm less reluctant to play with it again :-)
mardi 7 janvier 2003
Nintendo has betrayed us
mardi 7 janvier 2003. Cyberpunk
©nintendo They've announced the released of a new GBA with light. What can we do, us first purchasers? Either go AfterBurner'ing, or buy the new unit, with a completely new design, just in order to show us that we've bet on the wrong horse? Poor nintendo.
Poor Vivendi Universal... we can live without them
mardi 7 janvier 2003. Cyberpunk
One thing fun... today I tried to find some information on a CD published by one of the hundreds labels of Universal Music. I thought at first that it would be easy, since the vision of JM Messier is "convergence of media", their sites must be top-notch. So let's try: since I'm looking for […]
lundi 6 janvier 2003
Chora, a CVS viewer
lundi 6 janvier 2003. Cyberpunk
Found today that PEAR used Chora, an Horde project. I might try this one one day, and see if it usable with TortoiseCVS. Those projects on Horde are impressive...
Six is mad
lundi 6 janvier 2003. Cyberpunk
Check nanoweb, an HTTP server written in PHP. Check also sites using the t0x-engine, so bad the source code has not been released.
dimanche 5 janvier 2003
Big Blue or the the big unavailability
dimanche 5 janvier 2003. Cyberpunk
I've finally found why Bouygues Telecom online services are so often unavailable. They were made by IBM! The same that have a temporary unavailability with their HelpCenter server for at least two months...
samedi 4 janvier 2003
Sans titre
samedi 4 janvier 2003. Cyberpunk
I should post somewhere one of this day my customised version for i18n of the GPLed template engine XTemplate... and write the documentation... and do some benchmarks...
Waiting eagerly for 1.4.1_02, mantis
samedi 4 janvier 2003. Cyberpunk
The correction of the infamous computer freezing is announced for 1.4.1_02. I can't believe the fix has not yet been released, considering that the bug report is 6 months old. And those guys want the JRE to be bundled with Windows? No way, it's my 4th reboot today, I don't want this pain to be […]
samedi 21 décembre 2002
Please, we're not in the Middle-Age
samedi 21 décembre 2002. Cyberpunk
I've just read Meg's Dial-Up Revelations at O'Reilly, and some things annoyed me... First, it's not pain au chocolate but pain au chocolat. (The only point in this first remark is to prevent people from reading further, they'll just say "those french are so arrogant" and leave, goodbye.) […]
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