At least Laputa is released here. I failed to mention that I was looking for this soundtrack, soon released by ULM / Universal. I wanted to know if it was the 1986 or the 1999 version of the score. It's clear after seeing the release official site that this is the 1986's one. By the way, this site […]
mercredi 11 juin 2003
Tenkû no Shiro Laputa (Castle In The Sky) in theaters soon
mercredi 11 juin 2003. Cyberpunk
Comments on "What's New in Visual Studio .NET 2003"
mercredi 11 juin 2003. Cyberpunk
Found a reference on OSNews on this article[]. I can't resist to comment some parts. There are a couple of things worth pointing out right off the bat. First you can (and may have to) install both VS 2002 and VS 2003 on the same machine at the same time. They will operate side-by-side just […]
lundi 9 juin 2003
Flowchart program?
lundi 9 juin 2003. Cyberpunk
Does anyone know a flowchart drawing program? DiaGen was promising, but it's a little buggy. Nothing seems to be released using neither GEF [eclipse] nor GEF [tigris]. Perhaps someone will have the time to do one with SATIN. […]
vendredi 6 juin 2003
Are JSP worth the pain ?
vendredi 6 juin 2003. Cyberpunk
I've done JSP for almost 3 years now, and I can't understand anymore the ecstasy around it which seems to reign in some circles. At the beginning there was HTML, and HTML was cool. And then some spirits thought they could do applications inside a simple web browser, denying its most powerful feature […]
mercredi 4 juin 2003
Dangling locks
mercredi 4 juin 2003. Cyberpunk
In Office, when you work on a document on a "windows share", a lock is put. This is the same approach in Visual Source Safe, exclusive locking. Most of the time, it's completely useless, because there is someone in charge for the file edition (but the Office programs don't let you view a […]
Days like this, I want to throw windows through the window
mercredi 4 juin 2003. Cyberpunk
For three hours now, I try to reinstall the driver for my Wacom tablet. Multiple install, uninstall, registry cleaning, safe mode reboot for erasing protected files... No error message during the installation, no message in the system logs, but no uninstaller appears into the add/remove control […]
Time to format... soon...
mercredi 4 juin 2003. Cyberpunk
I can't synchronize anymore my PDA via infrared, PInstall fails miserably whatever the connection, Outlook takes ages to start and refresh... It's time to do a clean install of Window$.
Cleaning windows...
mercredi 4 juin 2003. Cyberpunk
1.64GB That's the place taken by c:\windows. Add to this "Documents and settings" (I've removed "My Documents" from it), and "Program Files\Common Files", and "Program Files\Accessories", and "Program Files\Internet Explorer", and you will have the […]
Counter-productivity has a name
mercredi 4 juin 2003. Cyberpunk
Microsoft Word 2002 not reproducible behaviour ugly styles management unlimited hability to automatically destroy a layout obstrusive interface Why upgrade? Because you're forced to!
mardi 27 mai 2003
Sans titre
mardi 27 mai 2003. Cyberpunk
found on (google translation, not quite the same meaning :-))
mardi 20 mai 2003
The modern working conditions
mardi 20 mai 2003. Cyberpunk
I'm currently in an office with some IBM NetVista workstations... it's incredibly noisy, I don't know why they need that much airflow, but the fan is blowing all the time. I'm gonna have an headache.
lundi 5 mai 2003
Struggling with Samba and CUPS
lundi 5 mai 2003. Cyberpunk
Moved the old laptop which acts as a print server from Windows 2000 to Debian. CUPS works fine, but I can't manage to make Samba to serve the cups drivers... geez... and this is the result of two days of work, crawling through insane messages...
lundi 28 avril 2003
I don't understand JSP supporters
lundi 28 avril 2003. Cyberpunk
I've started to work on web sites some years ago, and as of today, I work with two environments: JSP/Servlet and PHP. Working with them, on different scales for different applications, I've to say that JSP is a kludge, and it's bewildering it has so much momentum. (Got to see some friends, more on […]
jeudi 17 avril 2003
IBM error message of the day
jeudi 17 avril 2003. Cyberpunk
[17/04/03 18:48:35:057 CEST] 19cad4cb TraceNLS u No message text associated with key InconsistentLocalTranException in bundle
mercredi 16 avril 2003
Comments on "Pocket PC vs. Palm: Which is Really Easier?"
mercredi 16 avril 2003. Cyberpunk
You can find the article here. Not a bad piece of text at all, but there are half-truth all the way. This article is based on a comparison of my M100 series Palm and my iPAQ 3900. An entry-level Palm with a not really entry level Compaq. It wouldn't be significative IF the evaluation wasn't […]
mardi 8 avril 2003
WSAD error of the day
mardi 8 avril 2003. Cyberpunk
While validating an .ear: java.lang.NullPointerException at at$2.modifyText( at […]
lundi 7 avril 2003
J2EE twist
lundi 7 avril 2003. Cyberpunk
Let's take an EAR developped solely in Websphere Application Studio Developper (WSAD) with no external plugin. Deployment on JBoss 3: OK Deployment on Websphere AS 5 (WAS): [04/04/03 11:46:48:297 CEST] 666d11fd WebContainer A SRVE0169I: Chargement du module Web : MYAPP. [04/04/03 11:46:48:537 CEST] […]
WSAD, WAS: lessons learned
lundi 7 avril 2003. Cyberpunk
WSAD can mess up your deployment descriptor when you are refactoring, especially the proprietary ones (.xmi) WAS is very poor at reporting low level exceptions: UnsatisfiedLinkError when a driver needs a shared library, errors when a .xmi is wrong, etc. deleting all the .xmi when something wierd […]
vendredi 4 avril 2003
Sans titre
vendredi 4 avril 2003. Cyberpunk
Definitely, IBM tools are very sensitive about the used JDK. In WSAD, you can't generate an EJB deployment code if you run it on SUN JDK 1.4, but it works with IBM JDK 1.3. I don't find it's a normal behaviour, their products, especially developement tools, should be more JDK agnostic.
mardi 1 avril 2003
WSAD: IBM humour
mardi 1 avril 2003. Cyberpunk
From Developing and Testing Message-driven Bean Applications with the MQ Simulator for Java Developers in WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5.0: New to Application Developer Version 5.0 is a very productive and lightweight environment that enables quick testing and debugging of MDBs and […]
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