mercredi 10 décembre 2003

iTunes for Windows: not ready yet

I played the same song with Winamp 2.91 and iTunes 4.1.1 under Windows 2000 SP4. The results are a bit... frightening. Thing Winamp iTunes Memory 4MB 30MB %Proc <1% >7% Behaviour under normal computer use no effect playing skips Well, with iTunes you're back 8 years ago, when you could  […]

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samedi 6 décembre 2003

Abandon d'Outlook Express

C'est fini, j'abandonne le programme de Microsoft en lequel j'avais encore un peu de confiance. Après un upgrade d'OS pour le boulot, OE refuse de démarrer. 3 heures de recherche dans les forums, réinstallation du dit logiciel, rien. Apparemment c'est le gestionnaire de carnet d'adresse qui plante :  […]

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mardi 25 novembre 2003

The tiers vs. modules confusion

I'm French, and I work in the IT industry here. But because about every improvement in the software domain is done in English (or at least translated into), we have a translation problem. I don't know if it's widespread among the other non-English-speaking countries (quite a lot, in fact).  […]

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Le cadeau empoisonné de Solaar

Surprise ce matin lors de la prise de mon Metro un CD de MC Solaar gratuit, diantre ! A y regarder de plus près, ce n'est pas un CD audio, mais un "CD-ROM uniquement pour PC", amis Mac-istes : on ne vous aime pas. D'ailleurs tout le monde sait que le Mac est l'ordinateur du sans le sou,  […]

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dimanche 23 novembre 2003

Cyberlink trusts the bad horse

I've got the following on Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14' Invalid object name 'dbo.T_special'. /english/cs/support/1st.asp, line 63 Not even a proper error code (HTTP status 200), the very signature of IIS  […]

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mercredi 5 novembre 2003

Kernel panic: no init found

Solution in my case: boot with tomsrtbt, it fails to load, I don't know why boot with Damn Small Linux like this: vmlinuz debug=10 (in order to prevent X from launching) vi /etc/fstab so as to get /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ext3 defaults 1 1 mount /mnt/hda1 chroot /mnt/hda1 /bin/bash dpkg-reconfigure  […]

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mercredi 15 octobre 2003

A book arrived today

Merrill R. Chapman's "In search of stupidity" arrived today. Now the challenge is: how long before I open it? Will I take the time to read it? I'm still at page 17 of "Paper Prototyping" by Carolyn Snyder, and page 85 of "Object-Oriented Software Construction" by  […]

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dimanche 14 septembre 2003

Waiting for PHP 5

As described by Zeev Suraski on in this article (date of publication not mentionned, seems to be after October 2002), PHP 5 is going to have a true object model, and be able to cooperate with Java or .net at the application server level. The material I've found on this last subject are  […]

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lundi 28 juillet 2003

Getting on my nerves

All this samba printing is crap.

vendredi 25 juillet 2003

Microsoft winword.exe shit of the day

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name 0012D9C4 309298AD 00000491 00000000 00000000 309263CC !StdExceptionLink::StdExceptionLink 0012DAF4 3094A4C5 0000008A 0012DB0C 00000000 024D0314 !MsoFEnumComponentQualifiers 0012DB10 309D9711 0000008A 00000000 309D96F7 024D0314  […]

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mardi 15 juillet 2003

JNI: don't cache jclass

Strange result, I perhaps have missed the point in the documentation. But here is the thing, while multithreaded, even if not in concurrent access, jclass as returned by FindClass are not valid call after call, while jmethodID as returned by GetMethodID are. On Solaris, a new instance created with a  […]

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mardi 8 juillet 2003

Re: One thing I've never understood with Java threads

As promised, a code sample showing the behaviour of wait() and notify(). Several of them exist already on the net, but sometimes, if you don't look by yourself, you don't understand. The code is a bit long (90 lines). package sandbox; public class TimeOut implements Runnable { private boolean  […]

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One thing I've never understood with Java threads

From SUN's java.lang.Object Javadoc: wait Causes current thread to wait until either another thread invokes the notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this object, or a specified amount of time has elapsed. The current thread must own this object's monitor. notify This method should only be  […]

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mardi 1 juillet 2003

Re: cherish me, trash me, at least you are talking about me!!

Chiara said: L/GPL'ed license. you have to contribute back to if you fix something or modify code. Sorry Chiara but it's false :-) From the GPL FAQ: The GPL does not require you to release your modified version. You are free to make modifications and use them privately, without ever releasing them.  […]

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I can't put a screenshot because the M$Word document is under a NDA, but I've a graph in it, and when I select the text inside a text box, this is repeated in two others text boxes, where it has replaced the original text... Yes, my selection is reproduced two other times on the screen, and I've  […]

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jeudi 26 juin 2003 amusing misbehaving

Following a link wrongly typed on Fred Grott's weblog: Note that design is wrongly spelled. What should a normal server return? A 404 right? In a normal world yes. But you know SUN and the way they do standards... <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC  […]

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mardi 24 juin 2003

Sans titre

and how do you desactivate the bloody space insertion when you type ':'!

samedi 14 juin 2003

Remove this flash out of my sight

For some months now, Mozilla is my primary browser, and now all the links to Internet Explorer have been remove from menus, toolbars, folders... And except for one or two brainfucked sites, I don't launch it more than once a month. This is mainly due to loosy coding, with static checking of the  […]

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vendredi 13 juin 2003

Another reboot

Another lock lost in space by Word...

jeudi 12 juin 2003

XML only with RDF?

ajeru says in "Never use XML without RDF": To use pure XML for describing semantics is terribly inefficient and a big step backwards. It's a step back from a logical model to a purely physical representation. XML should be used only as a data transfer mechanism for higher level languages  […]

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