septembre 2009 (5)

mercredi 30 septembre 2009

Liens du 30/09/2009

jwz - My ongoing Kafka-esque nightmare of dealing with Palm and their App Catalog submission process. As someone who has written serious, production-quality code for WM5 and WM6, I say this from many months of hard experience:I WOULD RATHER STICK A FONDUE FORK THROUGH MY SCROTUM.Never the fuck  […]

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mardi 29 septembre 2009

Nouvelles neuves de la sclérotique


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dimanche 27 septembre 2009

Liens du 27/09/2009

Daring Fireball Linked List: Jackass of the Week: U.S. District Court Judge James Ware Federal judge James Ware orders Google to disable the email account — which belongs to someone who did nothing wrong and was sent the email message by mistake. En même temps ce n'est pas grave, c'est juste une  […]

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lundi 14 septembre 2009

Liens du 14/09/2009

Testing Google's Rich Snippets RDFa support from Philip Taylor on 2009-09-12 ( from September 2009) I tested it a bit, and it seems that what's implemented in that tool bears very little relation to RDFa. It's not simply a buggy implementation - it's not even attempting  […]

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vendredi 4 septembre 2009

Liens du 04/09/2009

Language Log » Google Books: A Metadata Train Wreck It might seem easy to cherry-pick howlers from a corpus as exensive as this one, but these errors are endemic. Do a search on "internet" in books written before 1950 and Google Scholar turns up 527 hits On connaissait Gmail la poubelle à  […]

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