By default, Roller creates a Feeds page where it puts all the newsfeeds you have registered. Even if mines is not linked anywhere anymore, Google keeps on crawling it regularly. And since I've some very different feeds, my referers (they are not a lot, quite normal given my posting frequency) are […]
mai 2003 (7)
mardi 27 mai 2003
Sans titre
mardi 27 mai 2003. Cyberpunk
found on (google translation, not quite the same meaning :-))
jeudi 22 mai 2003
Poland is now in the big leagues
jeudi 22 mai 2003. Tout venant
A well-balanced point of view from Maciej Ceglowski about an article in the Wall Street Journal stating that "Hard to believe, but Poland is now arguably a more consequential global power than either France or Germany." I won't jump to conclusions: I don't know Poland, I know a bit my […]
mardi 20 mai 2003
The modern working conditions
mardi 20 mai 2003. Cyberpunk
I'm currently in an office with some IBM NetVista workstations... it's incredibly noisy, I don't know why they need that much airflow, but the fan is blowing all the time. I'm gonna have an headache.
lundi 5 mai 2003
Struggling with Samba and CUPS
lundi 5 mai 2003. Cyberpunk
Moved the old laptop which acts as a print server from Windows 2000 to Debian. CUPS works fine, but I can't manage to make Samba to serve the cups drivers... geez... and this is the result of two days of work, crawling through insane messages...
Wanadoo et les relents monopolistiques
lundi 5 mai 2003. Tout venant
Leur site est tellement pourri qu'il ne fonctionne pas sous Mozilla...
La transparence et les banques....
lundi 5 mai 2003. Regional news
Ca fait vraiment deux. Dédales de liens pour enfin arriver aux conditions tarifaires (quand elles existent), des noms imprononçables pour éviter de dire "compte courant avec assurance". Parlons en des assurances, quel que soit le compte, on vous en propose : pour créer l'insécurité, rien […]