février 2003 (8)

vendredi 28 février 2003

Java SDK 1.4.1_02 out!

Since IBM didn't release a driver fixing the problem for my ThinkPad A30 (company provided, I'll never buy that if I can chose), I was forced to disable all DirectX related hardware acceleration (no overlay, almost all software rendering...), because every website can have an applet using Swing and  […]

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Getting rid of NewsMonster

Quite simple after all, even if I'm not sure to have really removed it, it doesn't appear anymore in new windows. So what to do? Look into all your .rdf files (F3 or grep -i -r are your friends) containing the string "newsm". Then, get rid of all the XML elements directly containing the  […]

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samedi 22 février 2003


After a reboot, all went well. Weird. M$ owns me.

WSAD dropped me as well

I've just tried with WSAD... failure as well... bad bad bad...

mercredi 19 février 2003

Yesterday I've tried NewsMonster...

... maybe the news aggregator of future, but not of today. I let the thing aggregate several times, but nothing appeared in Moz. Some times when a site is not reachable, the whole process seem to be blocked... which is bad with freeroller in the current state. A thing I'm not sure about is the mix  […]

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mardi 18 février 2003

Nothing to blog

Nothing much to express this month. Began a new project at work, more concentrated on administrative tasks than on coding. Fed up with those wars/anti wars stories, went to the demo last saturday, sad faces everywhere. Mentally tired.

lundi 10 février 2003

Is anger the answer?

I doubt... I recently read some weblogs whose one of the favourite topic is French and more generally European bashing. Some Americans seem to get really upset that not everybody agrees with a war plan in Iraq. I've read that this war is not about oil for Bush's government, and French don't want the  […]

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lundi 3 février 2003


Very fun... just read today on slashdot that rot13 of .net is .arg